Presently, I’m working as an AI Research Engineer at Honda RnD in Tokyo, Japan. My work involves researching and developing vision-based intelligent autonomous robotic systems for new generation of Honda’s Autonomous Work Vehicle.

I have a broad range of research interests: AI and cognition, AI and neurological disorders, NLP, CV, and Robotics.

I completed my Undergraduate studies in Computer Science & Engineering from IIT Bombay (with Honors). I have been fortunate to work with some really awesome labs throughout my bachelors: Prof. Abir De, Prof. Christina Chung, and Prof. Shankaranarayanan S.

I have also been collaborating with NTU, Sentic Lab under the mentorship of Prof. Erik Cambria and Dr. Rui Mao for the past year and we have worked on some really cool projects on AI and Healthcare. AI and Finance, and AI and Cognition. Please check my Google Scholars page for details (some papers are under review).

Previously, I interned at Adobe Research during Summer 2022, where I worked on identifying key moments during a livstream using multi-modal dataset. It has been patented under US Patent (US20240292046A1).

Outside of research, I have varied hobbies and interests and have been part of some impactful ventures including - FeMeal, IIT Mars Rover Team, Chief Editor, Bitstream and the Lecture Over Latte’s, Tokyo. I also enjoy participating in Hackathons!

Finally, if I have any time left, I write some blogs too here: Medium and Confenssions-of-Teenage-Freak. If I have even more time, I vlog my adventures in Tokyo here.

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